Abe Hollow
Abe Hollow is the songwriting project of Oakland-based composer/producer Adam Hirsch. His songs are a sublimation of his skills as multi-instrumentalist and recording engineer, his experimental tendencies toward collaboration and improvisation, and his continual obsession with family history and the mythologies of the Jewish diaspora. His self-produced debut LP A Palace in Time emerged from a process of holing up for an extended period in San Francisco’s Tiny Telephone Recording (where Hirsch is a staff engineer), unfolding and re-shaping the songs through spontaneous contributions from over a dozen of his East Bay musical comrades. The result is what one friend called “a Yiddish gothic trip”—a dizzying and serene journey through Hirsch’s interior geography.
His music has the airy mysticism of Sufjan Stevens or Big Thief, layered with studio experimentation that recalls Mount Eerie and the freak folk of early Animal Collective.